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Carlos Arean, Director del museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid

La pintura de Alonso Alonso en su equilibrio actual

...En el caso de Alonso Alonso esa calidad resplandece en su factura suelta y sin insistencia, en su manera especialísima de obtener por esgrafiado el contorno o el rayado interior de algunas de sus figuras, en sus superposiciones cromáticas agilísimas; en su composición rítmica y en su sistema ultracivilizado de abordar los colores más fluyentes y ricos.

   In Alonso Alonso case that quality shine forth in his loose, audacious style, in this very special manner of achieving though the use of graffito, the contour of striped interior of some of his figures, in this most agile chromatic superpositions, in his rhythmic composition and in his ultracivilized system of softening the richest and most fluid colors.

    The aforementioned in the previous paragraph, is proof of technical quality, but what is important is that command of his trade does not constitute for Alonso Alonso an end  in itself but rather a medium to create an open world of his own pondered and serene, a faithful image of his personality and joy of living, full of tenderness and distinction.